Surgical Specialists of Shreveport - Dr. George Merriman


Patient Testimonials


“I lived with GERD for about nine years.”

“It was horrible, you couldn’t enjoy the foods that you really liked to eat, and as soon as you ate it, you knew that 25-30 minutes later you were going to be struck with horrible heartburn, chest pain and reflux. When my GERD got so out of control that I could barely function at work, I could barely function at home, it was affecting not only myself, but my husband and my daughter, my mom and my dad. I just knew that we needed to make a change and make a change very quickly.”

“I feel a thousand times better. I’m not on any medications. I never use antacids, PPIs, or anything like that anymore.”

“LINX was definitely the best decision I’ve ever made, for my health. It’s not only increased my activity, it’s increased my well-being. I want to do more things outside of work because I feel better. Walking the dog, going to Pilates, skiing, playing soccer, those are the things that I really enjoy doing and I can do it now.”


“It came to a point with the GERD that my whole life, all I was worrying about is what I had to do to make it through the day.”

“I was a different person after I had the LINX System done. My day-to-day life since, after LINX, I go to bed at night, I can sleep all night and I’m in a deep sleep.”

“I eat what I want to eat for breakfast. I go through the day, I’m not exhausted.”

“I’m like a new person now since I had the LINX System put in.”


“I first learned that I had acid reflux in 2008.”

“I had been treating myself with over-the-counter medicines, but they were not too effective. I had a constant sensation in the back of my throat. It was always burning.”

“After having the LINX System installed, I can immediately tell a difference. The burning sensation in my throat eased and eventually, completely disappeared.”

“I have no problems eating any foods that I want. The acid reflux symptoms are completely gone and this happened without having an invasive surgery that I would have had, if I had chosen other methods.”


“I lived with GERD diagnosed, for at least seven years. As the years progressed, it got worse and it became a steamroller, it just kept building and building.”

“GERD took my life away basically; it took my day-to-day living away. It took my enjoyment of day-to-day living away.”

“Since I had LINX, I have a life. I’m able to go out to eat. I’m able to sit and enjoy my meals.“

“I can get on the floor and play with our grandchildren. All things I couldn’t do before LINX. LINX has given me my life back.”


*LINX is prescribed by your physician. It is not for everyone. Please talk to your doctor to see if it is right for you. Your physician should discuss any potential benefits and limitations with you. Although many patients benefit from LINX, results may vary. Each patient experience is unique and does not provide any indication, guide, warranty or guarantee as to the response others will have to LINX. The response other individuals have to LINX could be different. For more information about the benefits and risks of LINX please visit or

The LINX® Reflux Management System is indicated for those patients diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) as defined by abnormal pH testing, and who continue to have chronic GERD symptoms despite maximum medical therapy for the treatment of reflux. Rx only.

Safety and Warnings

Contraindications: Do not implant the LINX System in patients with suspected or known allergies to titanium, stainless steel, nickel or ferrous materials.

Warnings: The LINX device is considered MR Conditional in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system up to either 0.7 Tesla (0.7T) or 1.5-Tesla (1.5T), depending on the LINX model implanted. Laparoscopic placement of the LINX device is major surgery.

General Precautions: The LINX device is a long-term implant for use in patients 21 years or older. Medical management of adverse reactions may include explantation and/or replacement.

Potential Risks Associated with LINX System: dysphagia, stomach bloating, nausea, odynophagia, increased belching, decreased appetite, inability to belch or vomit, flatulence, early satiety, device erosion, device migration, infection, pain, and worsening of preoperative symptoms.


Surgical Specialists of Shreveport, LLC - 949 Olive Street - Shreveport, LA 71104

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